Saga Hill was founded by Wendy J. Johnson – a woman who juggles many professional roles, including: textile artist, knitting designer, photographer, award-winning site installation artist, author and editor, graphic arts director and legibility consultant, media producer (including scriptwriting and talent), digital video editor, and teacher in the textile arts. Wendy's studio resides in a historic Lake Minnetonka area called Saga Hill, in which many stories have been told under many moons. Believing that "place" defines us, Wendy has found that Saga Hill is the perfect location for nurturing creative energy and dreams.
Wendy's Swedish heritage, with a gene pool steeped in art and creative innovation, is a great influence in her work and something she likes to share with others. This has been reflected in her successful efforts to bring Elsabeth Lavold, Inger Fredholm, and the Bohus Stickning exhibit to an American audience; by writing about and promoting Swedish fiber art traditions within her patterns and books; and through teaching Swedish knitting technique, such as tvåändstickning, Lovikka knitting and embroidery, and colorwork from the Halland and Västergötland provinces of Sweden.
Wendy is also the founder of Elder Eye™ Design Institute and Press www.ElderEye.com – a design business focused on universal design techniques and a "concierge" publishing service for clients who wish to self-publish or publish under the Elder Eye Press imprint. She is also the President, and co-owner with her husband, of Points Of View Productions Inc. www.PointsOfViewInc.com – the parent company of Elder Eye Institute and Saga Hill Designs.
On the side, Wendy dances with her rescued border collie mix pup "Willa"—who may prefer to dance with sheep.
Social Media
952-472-4155 (Minnesota/Twin Cities area)
Please call between 9 am – 5 pm, Central Standard Time, Monday - Friday, and leave a message with your phone number and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Saga Hill Designs
PO Box 142
Crystal Bay, MN 55323